Thursday, October 31, 2019

Video — I Won't Give Up (Jayesslee Cover of Jason Mraz)

I Won't Give Up (Jayesslee Cover of Jason Mraz)
Jayesslee is the artist who sang the Gangnam Style cover we watched before. Jayesslee means J S Lee. Their names are Janice (Jay for J) and Sonia (Ess for S) and their last name is Lee. I love their harmonies. It must have been difficult to perform this on one take at the beach.

See the lyrics below the video.

I Won't Give Up
When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?
Well I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up
And when you're needing your space, to do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find
'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not and who I am
I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up.
I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)
I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lesson 5 – Demonstration Speech Preparation

Demonstration Speech Presentation
Use the storyboard handout from class to prepare the steps for your Demonstration Speech.

You will give your presentations next week.

Your speech will have six steps. For each step, you will have …
  1. a full-sized photograph.
  2. an instruction.
  3. a warning.
  4. a gesture.
  5. one or more voice inflections.

Your slideshow should also have a title slide and a final slide with your presentation title and your name. To make the final slide, make a copy of your title slide.

Do not use small images. Fill the slide!

    Your slides should be photographs from your camera or phone. Use full-sized images. You can only use text to label your ingredients.

    There is a 3-minute time limit for your presentation. Be sure to practice many times with your gestures and voice inflection! Watch the DVD again for a good example.

    If you need the handouts, you can download them from the links below.

    Cooking Vocabulary Glossary

    Demonstration Speech Preparation

    Video — Mission Impossible (The Piano Guys featuring Lindsey Stirling)

    We watched the Piano Guys play Mission Impossible, a popular TV show turned into a movie series. This time they were joined by another YouTube star, Lindsey Stirling. She is known for playing violin while dancing. Enjoy it again below:

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Lesson 04 – Informative Speeches

    Informative Speeches
    You will give your Informative Speech to small groups and give feedback using Google Forms.

    Informative Speech Feedback Forms
    For each speaker, give feedback using the form link below.

    Feedback Form

    Here are some things to consider when giving feedback:


    1. Feet
      Does the speaker set their feet properly? For men, shoulder-width apart and pointing straight forward. For women, feet pointing out in each direction with one foot a little in front of the other.
    2. Hands
      Does the speaker pause before setting hands?
      Does the speaker set their hands properly? One hand should rest in the "hook" of the other hand's fingers.
    3. Look
      Does the speaker pause before beginning to look?
      Does the speaker look from one side of the room to the other and back to the middle?
      Does the speaker look slowly?
    4. Voice
      Does the speaker pause before beginning to speak?
      Does the speaker take a breath?
      Does the speaker use a loud enough voice?
    5. Parts
      Does the speaker introduce the topic?
      Does the speaker talk about each of see, do, eat, getting around?
      Does the speaker review the points at the end?
    6. Images
      Are the images interesting?
      Are the images full size?
      Do the images suit the message?
    7. Eye contact
      Does the speaker make eye contact with individuals?
      Did the speaker make eye contact with you?
      Does the speaker keep eye contact for about 3 seconds or one sentence?

    Lesson 3 Canceled Lesson Makeup Homework

    Unfortunately, I had to cancel the lesson last week In place of the lesson, do the homework below to get credit for attendance:

    Go to and evaluate one presentation. Choose any presentation you like. Watch the first five minutes carefully and evaluate the presenter’s visual message. 

    Use the link below to give your evaluation.

    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Video — Cello Wars (Star Wars parody by The Piano Guys on YouTube)

    The Piano Guys are my favorite YouTube artists. They have great music AND great videos. This one is a parody of my favorite movie from my childhood, Star Wars. Now people call it Episode IV (4) or A New Hope, but it was Star Wars to us when it came out. It wasn't until the stupid prequels (Episodes I, II & III) years later that those names were used.

    The ideas of lightsabers, fighting ships flying across the screen, laser guns and The Force were all new and very cool. Star Wars was the first real blockbuster movie. If you wanted to see it when it came out, you might have had to wait hours and there were no reserved seats back then. It stayed in the cinemas for over a year.

    I have included a modern trailer of the movie below the Piano Guys video. The original trailer was not very good. Enjoy!

    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Lesson 2 – Presentation and Informative Speech Slide Preparation

    Eye Contact Practice
    In this lesson, we practiced eye contact during the speech and watched a demo of our next speech.

    Speaking of Speech
    We looked at a model Informative Speech on the DVD. Next week you will give an Informative Speech about your hometown or any city. 

    Presentation Slides
    You have only three choices for software for most presentations:

    1. Apple Keynote
    2. Microsoft Powerpoint
    3. Google Slides

    Do not use Libre Office. Keynote is the best choice, but if you don't want to spend money, I recommend Google Slides. 

    Your slideshow should have at least 8 slides:
    • A title slide with the name of your hometown and your name. (1 slide)
    • An overview slide with your four points (text). (1 slide)
    • One (or more) slides for each point. (4 or more slides)
    • Summary slide with your four points (images). (1 slide)
    • Title slide as your final slide. (1 slide)

    Watch Lisa Suzuki's Informative Speech on the DVD again. Practice with your slides many times to be smooth at it. Practice makes perfect! 

    Your slides should be full-sized slides photographs of your city. The best photographs are your own photographs from your camera or smartphone. If you cannot get your photos yourself, get large (1024x768) photos from Google Images.

    Your slideshow should have at least 8 slides:
    • A title slide with the name of your hometown and your name. (1 slide)
    • An overview slide with your four points (text). (1 slide)
    • One (or more) slides for each point. (4 or more slides)
    • Summary slide with your four points (images). (1 slide)
    • Title slide as your final slide. (1 slide)

    Watch Lisa Suzuki's Informative Speech on the DVD again. Practice with your slides many times to be smooth at it. Practice makes perfect! 

    Thursday, October 3, 2019

    Video – Tom Sawyer by Rush

    As I told you in my self-introduction, the Canadian rock trio, Rush, is my favorite band. Geddy Lee, the bass player, is also the singer and keyboardist; Alex Lifeson is the guitar player; Neil Peart is the drummer and lyricist (writer of the words).

    Rush's best-known song is Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is the name of a famous character is American literature. Mark Twain wrote a few novels with Tom as a character who observes human nature. Tom was a boy and had a friend named Huckleberry (Huck) Finn. Huck had his own novel in which he made a raft (small flat boat) and traveled down the Mississippi River with an escaped slave.

    In the introduction part of the video there is an animation with characters from South Park (a popular TV show). The characters have their own rock group called Lil' Rush. They start to play Tom Sawyer, but stop to have an argument. It's because the singer confuses Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

    In this song, Peart (the writer) thinks of himself as a "modern-day Tom Sawyer". So, this song is really about himself. I have included the lyrics (words) below the video if you would like to read them. Enjoy!

    Tom Sawyer
    Words: Peart    Music: Lee & Lifeson

    A modern day warrior
    Mean, mean stride
    Today's Tom Sawyer
    Mean, mean pride

    Though his mind is not for rent
    Don't put him down as arrogant
    He reserves the quiet defense
    Riding out the day's events
    The river

    What you say about his company
    Is what you say about society
    Catch the mist, catch the myth
    Catch the mystery, catch the drift

    The world is, the world is
    Love and life are deep
    Maybe as his skies are wide

    Today's Tom Sawyer
    He gets high on you
    And the space he invades
    He gets by on you

    No, his mind is not for rent
    To any God or government
    Always hopeful yet discontent
    He knows changes aren't permanent
    But change is

    What you say about his company
    Is what you say about society
    Catch the witness, catch the wit
    Catch the spirit, catch the spit

    The world is, the world is
    Love and life are deep
    Maybe as his eyes are wide

    Exit the warrior
    Today's Tom Sawyer
    He gets by on you
    And the energy you trade
    He gets right on to the friction of the day

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    Lesson 1 – Orientation

    Welcome to Oral Presentations 05 (Intermediate)!
    Today, I introduced myself and you gave a short introduction speech and learned about presentation posture. Next week, you will give a presentation with the same information using slides.

    First Presentations
    Next week, you will give a short presentation about yourself to the class.

    Tell us about:

    • Your name
    • Your family (or friends)
    • Your hometown
    • Your interests and/or hobbies (music, sports, activities, school subjects)

    Presentation Tips
    • Make a slide to go with each topic.
    • Use large photos.
    • Only write keywords (no script / no sentences)
    • Prepare your presentation using presentation software like Keynote, Powerpoint, Google Slides, etc… (do not use Libre Office).

    Bring your Macbook to class every week!