Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lesson 04 – Informative Speeches

Informative Speeches
You will give your Informative Speech to small groups and give feedback using Google Forms.

Informative Speech Feedback Forms
For each speaker, give feedback using the form link below.

Feedback Form

Here are some things to consider when giving feedback:


  1. Feet
    Does the speaker set their feet properly? For men, shoulder-width apart and pointing straight forward. For women, feet pointing out in each direction with one foot a little in front of the other.
  2. Hands
    Does the speaker pause before setting hands?
    Does the speaker set their hands properly? One hand should rest in the "hook" of the other hand's fingers.
  3. Look
    Does the speaker pause before beginning to look?
    Does the speaker look from one side of the room to the other and back to the middle?
    Does the speaker look slowly?
  4. Voice
    Does the speaker pause before beginning to speak?
    Does the speaker take a breath?
    Does the speaker use a loud enough voice?
  5. Parts
    Does the speaker introduce the topic?
    Does the speaker talk about each of see, do, eat, getting around?
    Does the speaker review the points at the end?
  6. Images
    Are the images interesting?
    Are the images full size?
    Do the images suit the message?
  7. Eye contact
    Does the speaker make eye contact with individuals?
    Did the speaker make eye contact with you?
    Does the speaker keep eye contact for about 3 seconds or one sentence?

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