Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lesson 6 – Demonstration Speeches

Demonstration Speech Feedback Forms
For each speaker, give feedback using the form link below.

Demonstration Speech Feedback Form

  1. Posture
    Did the speaker do each step (feet, hands, look, and voice)? Did they do them in order? Did they pause between steps?
  2. Eye contact
    Did the speaker look at individuals for about 3 seconds? Did the speaker look at you?
  3. Gestures
    Did the speaker make a gesture for each slide? Was the gesture clear? Was the gesture useful? How was the timing?
  4. Voice inflection
    Did the speaker change their voice for important points? If it wasn't clear to you, you cannot give a "5".
  5. Warnings
    Did the speaker give a warning for 
    each step?
  6. Cooking vocabulary
    Did the speaker use a variety of cooking words from the handout?
  7. Overall performance

Go to and evaluate one presentation. Choose any presentation you like. Watch the first five minutes carefully and evaluate the presenter’s visual message. 

Use the link below to give your evaluation.

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