Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lesson 9 – Comparison Speeches

Comparison Speech Feedback Forms
For each speaker, give feedback using the form link below.

Feedback Form
  1. Physical message
    Did the speaker do each step (feet, hands, look, and voice)? Did the speaker make eye contact? Use gestures? Use voice inflection?
  2. CRAP Principles
    Did the speaker use the CRAP principles (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity) well? 
  3. I. E. E.
    Did the speaker introduce each graph? Explain each graph? Emphasize what was important in each graph?
  4. Overall performance


  • Send your slides to me by email. Save your slides as your full name + OP05 Demonstration Speech (ex. Taro Suzuki OP06 Demonstration Speech)
  • Make a copy of your slides and add V2 to the file name (ex, Taro Suzuki OP06 Demonstration Speech V2). Upgrade your data slides with the feedback you heard in class.
  • Go to and evaluate one presentation. Choose any presentation you like. Watch the first five minutes carefully and evaluate the presenter’s visual message. 

Use the link below to give your evaluation.

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