Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lesson 11 – The Body

The Introduction (practice)
You practiced giving the introduction to your partner(s). They gave you feedback on the parts of your introduction (greeting, what, why, and overview). Use this feedback to improve your introduction.

The Body
We looked at the Speaking of Speech textbook and learned about The Body. Next week you will give the introduction and body sections of your final speech. 

Next Lesson (12/18)
You will give your The Introduction and The Body parts of your final speech next week. 

Continue building your Final Speech
  • Upgrade your Introduction slides (if necessary)
  • Prepare slides for The Body.
  • Each main point should have evidence. Use both numbers and examples. 
    • You must use numbers at least twice and evidence at least twice. 
    • You must also have at least one graph.
    • You must prepare I. E. E. for your graphs.
  • Each main point should have a transition to the next point. Use both past & future and statement & rhetorical question patterns.
  • Use previous skills (posture, eye contact, voice inflection, CRAP, IEE, etc…). You should plan AND practice these.
  • Practice the introduction and body of your speech several times to be smooth.

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