Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lesson 12 – The Conclusion

The Introduction & The Body Practice
We practiced The Introduction and The Body parts of our speech with our classmates. We gave and received feedback using the handouts.

The Conclusion
We looked at the Speaking of Speech textbook and learned about The Conclusion.

Use the past tense to remind us what you told us in the overview slide using the future tense. Also, include one focus point (the best example or number).

For your conclusion slide, you can copy and paste your overview slide. It is OK to include your focus points on your slide. However, try to use fewer words on the slide than what you say. Also, animate each main point and focus point separately. If you would like a challenge, don't write your focus points on your slide. Instead, remember them and say them.

Next lesson, you will give your conclusion to your partner and get feedback. 

Images and Fonts

I gave short presentations about Images and Fonts. You can review these with the slideshows at the bottom of this blog post. Upgrade your slides.

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